infobox Biologiki’s trained personnel only uses the right amount of the formulations in the spots where it is needed.


Cockroaches live in dark, humid places and prefer warm spots. But also in dry places that have access to water. In the warehouses and human dwellings they find favorable temperature and food, so that they can reproduce almost all year round. They cannot survive cold temperatures, just around 20οC.

Cockroaches are polyphagous saprophagous insects. They eat plant and animal materials, for example food, animal feed, garbage, dead insects and other animals, as well as animal waste.

They cause allergies that are manifested by nasal symptoms (allergic rhinitis), bronchitis (allergic asthma) and skin (allergic rash). Infectious hepatitis and polio viruses have also been found to be transmitted through cockroaches.

American Cockroach – Americana Cockroach (Periplaneta Americana)

It is a cosmopolitan species. American cockroaches vary in length from 2.7 to 5.5 cm. They have flat oval shape, thorny legs and long antennae as well as wings of reddish brown color. The nymphs have no wings and they run very fast. Adult cockroaches survive without food for up to three months and for one month without water. They can fly. They grow and reproduce at temperatures above 21 ° C. It is found in dark and humid places and avoids light. It is especially found in sewers, sinks, toilet pipettes and more.

German Cockroach (Blattella Germanica)

It is a small cockroach, 1.3-1.7cm long and light brown in color, with dark spots on the chest. They have wings and rarely fly, only when disturbed. Females carry an ootheca for 2-4 weeks. The eggs hatch after about 20 days. The mature ones live up to 10 months at 25οC. Their lifespan is 6-12 months. They usually appear in spring.
German cockroaches are considered “domestic cockroaches” as they live in homes, apartments, restaurants, food industries, hospitals and more. They mainly prefer kitchens and toilets because they are in dire need of moisture. They are omnivorous and carnivorous, and if left without food, they can even have cannibalistic tendencies. It is a carrier of microorganisms that are transmitted by their body and their waste into food.

Oriental cockroach – Oriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientalis)

It is the country cockroach and appears in the warm seasons of the year, during May, June and July. It has a size of 2.7-3.4cm and glossy brown or black color, usually with reddish legs. The species is omnivorous and can perch on smooth vertical surfaces. They do not fly. This species prefers wet spaces with decomposed organic matter and is considered the most impure species of ecoparasitic cockroaches. As they prefer colder temperatures, they are found in cold underground, in uninhabited buildings or areas without heating and move en masse during the autumn. Each female cockroach produces 16 eggs that hatch for 60 days. Females live 1-6 months and can die if left without water for two weeks and without food for one month.
Combating them can be done by spraying or applying gel, depending on the type and point of infestation.