The warehouse moths are a large family of many different species.
Plodia Interpunctella

It is a polyphagous insect that attacks seeds, dried vegetables, dried fruits, chocolates and other glucose-bearing foods.
The adult moth is 10mm long and the opening of its wings is up to twice this size. It is recognizable by the front wings, which are half reddish-brown
with two vertical black lines and the other half is silver-white and lightly folded. The female lays about 150 eggs that are whitish with a slightly irregular surface.
In storage spaces, in addition to destroying seeds and other crops, they also degrade the overall appearance because of the larvae ‘s webs created.
Flour moth – Anagasta Kuehniella (Ephestia Kuehniella)

Flour moth is a special species of moths that cause damage mainly to flour mills, flour stores and less to stored seeds.
The size of this moth is 22mm. The characteristic of this moth is their satin colored front wings with two vertical wavy lines with aperture as wide as their length. Females lay eggs in groups of 10-30 pieces. As the larvae emerge, they begin to weave with silk yarn into the space where they will remain for fertilization, and these yarn further deteriorate the quality of the flour.
Their biological cycle is 83-123 days, depending on the food and the ambient temperature.
Clothes moth – Tineola Bisselliella

Clothes moth has nothing to do with moths contaminating food and cereals.
The adult moth is golden with reddish hairs at the top of its head. A line of golden hair hides the wings. As these moths are not attracted to light, we usually find them near clothes, such as in a dark closet. At rest, clothes moths are about 6.5mm long.
Females lay an average of 40 to 50 eggs over a period of 2 to 3 weeks and die after completing the laying process.
There are two generations per year. The larva is the deleterious stage of the clothes moth. They feed on wool clothes, carpets, upholstered furniture, fur, stored wool items, animal hair brushes. wool pillows. They also feed on synthetic or cotton fabrics if these fabrics also contain wool.
Clothes moths usually fly around the immediate area of the house where the contamination has occurred and their flight is not good and tend to run rather than fly in a constant manner like moths that contaminate food.
Our expert technicians are installing pheromone traps to combat the population of moths.